The grail of the Sun and Moon

This painting has been inspired by listening to a meditation.

Sensing the Sun on the right hand side, perceiving its vibrant energy, allowing it to warm the whole body, dissolve any ice in the heart or pains in the deep roots of our being.

Sensing the Moon on the left hand side, perceiving its mysterious energy, allowing the whole body to open to intuition, to widen our heart space to gain deeper understanding.

Then plaiting the beams of the Sun and Moon together, drawing them deep into the Mother Earth until gently touching her heart, honouring her whilst receiving her embrace.



Pohar slunce a mesice

Tento obrazek byl inspirovan poslechem meditace.

Citeni slunce na prave strane, vnimani jeho zive energie. Dovolit, aby prohralo cele telo, rozpustilo jakykoliv led v srdci ci bolesti v korenech, hluboce prorostlych do nasi bytosti.

Citeni mesice na leve strane, vnimani jeho tajemne energie. Dovolit, aby otevrelo cele telo intuici, rozsirilo nas srdecni prostor za ziskanim hlubsiho pochopeni.

Pak zapletat dohromady paprsky slunce a mesice, vezt je do hlubin Matky Zeme, az se jemne dotknou jejiho srdce, prinasejic ji doceneni a prijimat jeji objeti na zpatek.

(uf, to bylo narocne prelozit; je na case rozepsat tu cestinu 🙂 )


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