
[Ceska verze]

Temnota vstoupila, když jsem ji nejméně předpovídala.

Nebylo kde se schovat, kde utéct,

jak jsem udělala mnohokrát předtím,

předstírajíc jen slunce obývá nebe.

Tentokrát to ale bylo jiné.

Temnota mě pohltila a neviděla jsem konce.


Tolik bolesti.



Uprostřed toho všeho, stará babizna oděna v černém se přiblížila.

Její hlas zaskřípal jako hnijící dům foukán studeným větrem.

Věděla jsem, že je Smrt, ale když se jemně dotkla mé ruky,

srdcem mi projel ztracený cit a hledaná úleva se rozlela unaveným tělem.

“Neutíkej ode mne, mé dítě”, řekla.

“V každé tmavé komnatě – truhla se zlatem.

Temná dáma a zářící pán se berou.

Budeš úplná.

Dovol mi, abych udělala to, proč tu jsem,

nech umřít, propusť sama sebe.”


Poslechla jsem a tuhá, stará kůra počala pukat,

poté odlupovat a padat na zem, část po části:



hodnost a poslušnost,

strach z temnoty, strach ze sebe samé.


Když všechny dopadly na zem,

kohout zakokrhal

a já se nadechla novým, hlubokým dechem.

Stále zraněná, ale skutečná.

Cítila jsem všechny spadlé části,

ale už dále nebyly mnou.

Vykročila jsem prvním, druhým krokem,

Nevědějíc, kde mě vezmou,

mě, dítě temné dámy a zářícího pána.



[English Version]——–

Darkness entered when I least foresaw it.

There was no place to hide, no place to run,

just as I’d done, many times past,

pretending only the sun inhabits skies.

Yet this time was different.

Darkness swallowed me and I could see no end.


So much pain.



In the midst of it all, an old hag dressed in black approached me.

Her voice creaked like a rotting hut blown about in a cold wind.

I knew she was Death but when she gently touched my hand,

my heart melted and a sought relief spread through my tired body.

“Don’t run away from me, my child” she said.

“There is a chest filled with gold in each dark chamber.

The dark lady and bright lord are getting married.

You will be whole.

Allow me what I am here to do,

Let yourself die, let go.”


I listened and the tough, old bark started cracking,

then peeling off and falling, piece by piece:



niceness and obedience

fear of darkness, fear of me.


When they all fell to the ground,

the cockerel crowed

and I took a new, deep breath.

I still hurt but was real.

I could feel all the pieces

but no longer were they me.

So I took the first step, then the second,

not knowing where they would take me,

a child of the dark lady and bright lord.


The grail of the Sun and Moon

This painting has been inspired by listening to a meditation.

Sensing the Sun on the right hand side, perceiving its vibrant energy, allowing it to warm the whole body, dissolve any ice in the heart or pains in the deep roots of our being.

Sensing the Moon on the left hand side, perceiving its mysterious energy, allowing the whole body to open to intuition, to widen our heart space to gain deeper understanding.

Then plaiting the beams of the Sun and Moon together, drawing them deep into the Mother Earth until gently touching her heart, honouring her whilst receiving her embrace.



Pohar slunce a mesice

Tento obrazek byl inspirovan poslechem meditace.

Citeni slunce na prave strane, vnimani jeho zive energie. Dovolit, aby prohralo cele telo, rozpustilo jakykoliv led v srdci ci bolesti v korenech, hluboce prorostlych do nasi bytosti.

Citeni mesice na leve strane, vnimani jeho tajemne energie. Dovolit, aby otevrelo cele telo intuici, rozsirilo nas srdecni prostor za ziskanim hlubsiho pochopeni.

Pak zapletat dohromady paprsky slunce a mesice, vezt je do hlubin Matky Zeme, az se jemne dotknou jejiho srdce, prinasejic ji doceneni a prijimat jeji objeti na zpatek.

(uf, to bylo narocne prelozit; je na case rozepsat tu cestinu 🙂 )


Changing the Guard


And she rises from endless waters of the realm.

There is no stopping, there is no trying.

Like the sun which emerges after long night.

She accepts the reign from the brave knight

who now tired falls into a sweet slumber,

calm waves lullabying his constant battles.


She rises to a new bright day,

bringing love, care, gentleness and peace.

Oh Mother, spread your soft wings over all,

restore balance, comfort our weary souls.


It is your time to come, beaming light,

turning bright all that has stayed dark.

Calming waves stirred for ages,

embracing those who have not been heard,

reinstating justice, liberating uniqueness,

tolerating all in an unrehearsed dance.

Whilst the knight sleeps, make the blend

which will merge with his old ways,

until transformed, combined strength,

loving action cannot hold fighting,

no more losers, no more greed.


And she rises, there is no stopping,

like wild waters, playfully lifting the dam,

like long forgotten lava from volcanos,

like light, suddenly appearing at horizon,

changing it all, nothing will ever remain the same…



The Flower of Life

Painted very fast and written even faster with my beautiful man :).


The large luscious flower blooms in the languid afternoon heat.

Each petal filled with an inexplicable need for the warm sunshine beams.

The rays of light gently caress the flower and it grows above all the others,

creating shelter for souls in its shade and a seat for the fairies of the Evenstar creed.

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Heart Piece


Behind the door there is a door.

Open one and pull the key out of the other.

Peep through the hole on yet another handle.

Some release like a movement of blown feathers,

others carry iron bars of shadow souls of the past.

HeartPiece - Copy

Yet passing through feels somehow right,

gradually noticing patterns on the wall,

resembling small arrows pointing at the doors.

Running from room to room, I wonder, which one

will end the tour through this building of unknown shape.

It feels like a round shell of a snail leading to the window

allowing the light to come and shine through the walls

but miles more through the open doors,

welcoming everyone in until all is dissolved.

All is gone but the background – a bright star

waving at her siblings scattered on the wall called “sky”.


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